Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 4 Dilemma

So today was day 4 and I was supposed to do cardio recovery. I looked through my DVDs and it was missing! So my choices were to do nothing and wait for the correct disc, or do something else. Guess what I did....
Of course I did something else! I did the same DVD from yesterday. It was still tough! I made it through.
I can see time is going to be restricting.  I think I'm going to have to switch to working out before work. Problem is that I'm an early bird at work, meaning I'd have to be up at 4am to complete my work out. That does not excite me. I'll think about it...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 3: DONE!

Day 3 is done! It was easier to keep up this time than yesterday. It was still hard nonetheless. The amount of sweat that pours from my face is ridiculous! Even the warm up had my face dripping with sweat...whew!

With these DVDs, I feel like I'm in bootcamp. Everyone goes at their own pace. Of course there are overachievers, but there are people that stop along with me. This is definitely a challenge and I love a challenge! Some of the exercises are definitely insane, but I attempt them and do what I can. It'll only get better from here!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Want to know the best way to feel out of shape? Start Insanity! It starts. I had to stop...a lot. I did try everything, but I could definitely not make it through. I felt better seeing that some of the people on the DVD had to stop too. These people look like athletes. I wonder if they were acting. Either way, I didn't feel horrible. Having been through p90x, I now that it takes time to build, so I know if I stick with it, I'll improve over the next few weeks.

I got such wonderful feedback yesterday and this morning, that I know I'll stick with it as to not let down those supporting me in my journey. It's going to be tough, but by Christmas, I should be done the program and closer to my goal.

I'm still super scared of the program, but looking forward to the challenge!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Insanity: Day 1

Today I decided to start my Insanity journey. Let me preface this with that I was adamant about never ever EVER doing this workout. I swore never, and laughed at all those that suggested it.
I took on the challenge of doing p90x and completed it, but somehow backslid to where I am now. I saw pics and wasn't happy with what I saw, so now it's time to make a change.
I talked to friends and Insanity KEPT coming I gave in. Shout out to my homeboy Craig for helping me out!

The top was my face before, below is the after workout face, and the right is before body shot. I was NOT enthused lol. I was ready to quit halfway through.

Day 1 was the Fit Test. Here are my results:
Switch Kicks - 65
Power Jacks - 45
Power Knees - 91
Power Jumps - 23
Globe Jumps - 3 (got dizzy and stopped for a bit)
Suicide Jumps - 4
Pushup Jacks - 13
Low Plank Obliques - 37

So that's it for today...can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...