Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Want to know the best way to feel out of shape? Start Insanity! It starts. I had to stop...a lot. I did try everything, but I could definitely not make it through. I felt better seeing that some of the people on the DVD had to stop too. These people look like athletes. I wonder if they were acting. Either way, I didn't feel horrible. Having been through p90x, I now that it takes time to build, so I know if I stick with it, I'll improve over the next few weeks.

I got such wonderful feedback yesterday and this morning, that I know I'll stick with it as to not let down those supporting me in my journey. It's going to be tough, but by Christmas, I should be done the program and closer to my goal.

I'm still super scared of the program, but looking forward to the challenge!

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