Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 5: Recovery

Week 4 is in the books!! I am on to week 5! The weeks really went pretty fast. I am out of the cardio portion of the program, and this week marks recovery. After this, 4 more weeks left. Wow, really hard to believe it! Thank you all for your support thus far in my crazy Insanity journey. It means more to me than you know.

I used my vision of Recovery Week to fuel me through week 4. "Just one one more week of Insanity, then you get to relax for a week." This is what I told myself. Apparently, Shaun T and I have two TOTALLY different meanings of the meaning "recovery week." I envisioned myself doing some intense yoga (kinda like I did in P90X), very light work. Shaun tricked me...

Shaun T's meaning of Insanity is making me sweat more than the cardio workouts did! He focuses more on core and balance, and less on cardio and resistance. I will admit, it is a great workout. I sweat like crazy! The normal washcloth I use was not working. Had to upgrade to a small hand towel. This morning, it was soaked! The only thing that has me worried, is that I have to do the same DVD every day this week. Six days of the same routine. To motivate myself, I'm trying to do more and more each day. Today was already better than yesterday so that's a win for me! Maybe I'll also incorporate music the second half of the week.

Thanks for reading!

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