Monday, November 26, 2012

My Rules for Working Out at Home

So I've been asked by a few people how I do what I do. How do I remain disciplined in my workout routine at home. I've heard "I can't do this..." and "I can't do that..." I used to say the same things! I never thought I'd be able to work out successfully at home. I made the decision to cancel my gym membership two years ago, and to do p90x. I later joined a different gym, but again, I'm letting that membership expire, and will continue to do my own thing.

The following are some rules I came up with to help me on my journey to working out at home:

I do rely on and use my friends around me. I complain about working out before I do it and they motivate me to get out of bed and get my exercise done. They keep me honest, as far as getting up, but when the DVD starts, it's just me. It's to the point where I feel bad if I don't put forth as much effort as I know I can. I even rewind back sections when I've half assed the routine! Now THAT'S dedication!

I don't know when it happened, but you rarely see me without my cell phone. I know every chime, sound, noise by heart and hate to leave notifications in my status bar. I HAVE to check it. For this reason, I nix the cell phone during work outs. No distractions. I don't silence it, or put it on vibrate. I don't even bring it to the basement. One time, I was expecting an important call, handed the phone to my sister and told her to let me know when that person called. Other than that instance, I leave the distraction alone. Insanity is roughly 40-45 minutes. Things can wait until after that.

Cue Jay-Z,you know the line about men and women lying, but numbers not lying. That's FALSE! Numbers do lie! On scales! Well, they tell the truth, but they are misleading. Have I gotten on a scale? Yes! I make sure not to live by it though. I don't even get on the scale weekly. I stay far, far, far away! I don't want to get caught up in reaching XXX weight, and then being upset if I don't reach that number. Especially when we all know muscle weighs more than fat! So STAY AWAY FROM SCALES!

Last and certainly not least is this rule! Just because I'm embarking on an Insanity journey, I know it's not for what YOU like! Don't base it off of how any workout routine worked for someone else. You may not have the same results! I also enjoy spin class, but know it's not for everyone, and that's okay! I swore I'd never do Insanity, but look at me now! I love it! It's pain, but it hurts so good! (Lawd, I'm starting to sound crazy lol). So remember to find your niche and what you like.

Thanks for reading!


  1. HA! I like it! But Im still scared I can't do it alone, lol. <---- Weak minded, I know!
