Monday, November 26, 2012

Slacking on Blogging, Not on Working Out!

So I guess it's no secret, I've been slacking on blogging. But I will say that I have not been slacking on my workouts. Last week was Thanksgiving, and I worked through it all, including a 5K Turkey Trot Thanksgiving morning! I still don't like running/jogging, but I completed it in about 43 minutes. Not the best, but it's a start and I'm happy! I feel great! I've noticed slight changes in my clothes. They aren't as tight as before. I'm slowly making my way to my goal!

So in the beginning of Week 3, I had to retake the Fit Test. Here are my results:
Switch Kicks - 73 (+11)
Power Jacks - 43 (+6)
Power Knees - 103 (+20)
Power Jumps - 39 (+13)
Globe Jumps - 8 (+1) (I STILL don't like those)
Suicide Jumps - 9 (+3)
Pushup Jacks - 18 (+6)
Low Plank Obliques - 48 (+13)

So I improved on everything! I'm still loving the pain (not while I'm working out). I'm still working out in the mornings before work (4am!!) most days, and fist them when I wake up on others.

I'm almost halfway through the program and I'm happy. I can totally see myself doing this again once I complete this cycle.

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