Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 1 Recap

So one week of Insanity done...8 more to go. I can honestly say that this is by far the hardest work out I've ever done. I've taken spin class, I've done Afro-Brazilian dance class, I've done Tae Bo class, and they are hard in their own rights. But NOTHING makes me sweat nearly as much as this work out. AND I LOVE IT! I'm sore every day (not a lot, just slightly), I lose lots of salt and water. My abs are sore and we haven't done an ab workout yet! It goes to show you how much core work is involved. SO glad I started this program. I definitely plan to see this through to the end.

I don't do scales, so I have no weight check in. And I didn't measure. I plan to track my progress by how I feel and how my clothes fit. So far, I don't feel a real difference. I didn't expect it after a week, so I'm not going to let it discourage me from pressing forward.

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