Monday, November 12, 2012

Two For the Price of One

So I've been slipping on the blogging the past few days, but I'm happy to report that I have NOT been slipping on working out. This post contains updates from the weekend. Friday, I did the Pure Cardio DVD, Since it is my day off from work, I didn't wake up at 4am, but I did work out as soon as I woke up and got out of bed.

Shaun T did not disappoint with this one. It was a circuit workout. Only this time, there weren't as many breaks in between. There weren't repeat exercises. It. Was. Hard. Work. I stopped quite a bit, but made it through to the end.

Due to a chain of events, I didn't have time, or energy to work out Saturday, so that was my rest day. On Sunday, which was supposed to be my rest day, I did the Plyometric Cardio Circuit DVD. I've done this one, so I knew what to expect. I felt that I stopped less this go round, and was proud of that. I was told before starting this program that the workouts are never easy, even after doing it several times. It is a goal to make it through an entire DVD without stopping (outside of given breaks).

So after this workout, I had to go to kickball practice. I haven't laced up my cleats since August. Here's a little math problem for you...Insanity + kickball practice = PAIN! I'm crazy sore. I was limping through the store today. All of this BETTER pay off!

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