Monday, November 5, 2012

Round 2: Day 1

So I hit a snafu with the first bout of Insanity. I was missing two discs. It was too much to skip and/or replace, so I decided to wait and try again. Shout out to my boy Sam for looking out and getting me the DVDs!

So today started the fit test. Let's just say that I'm not much off from where I was two weeks ago. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Just like before, it was insane! Sweat was pouring from every crevice! It felt good though. Here are my results:

Switch Kicks - 62
Power Jacks - 37
Power Knees - 83
Power Jumps - 26
Globe Jumps - 7 (I don't like those)
Suicide Jumps - 6
Pushup Jacks - 12
Low Plank Obliques - 35

So some things I improved, others I let slip. I hope in two weeks when I do this again, everything improves.

Tomorrow, I have things to do in the evening, so I'm going to attempt to work out before work. This means getting up at 4am! I think I can do it. I mean I've done it before, but that's why I'm going to bed ASAP! Check on me!

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